Joe Biden Flip Flops On Refugee Resettlement
Progressive activists whine and show Joe Biden who is boss
Progressive activists whine and show Joe Biden who is boss
The “America First” caucus will preserve our Anglo-Saxon political traditions while owning the libs
Jeffree Starr’s $300,000 pink Rolls Royce hit a patch of black ice and flipped several times
Brandon Scott Hole has been identified as the Indianapolis FedEx shooter
Explaining pronouns, mental illness, and other pleas for mercy.
The realignment of Wall Street and Big Business to the Democrats could be an opportunity for Republicans
My baby was a good boy
Middle America no longer trusts the intelligence agencies
Joe Biden is afraid of the optics of refugee resettlement
The Republican Party should try it for once
Black Lives Matter is a gigantic grift and corporate funded astroturf movement
Mainstream conservatism increasingly sounds like a bygone era
29% of Americans approve of Joe Biden’s border policies
The AAPI community is under attack by “white supremacy” and other People of Color are caught in the crossfire
No one has permission to question the political establishment
Did Nancy Pelosi engage in insider trading last year?
There are no good police officers because systematic racism keeps poor people in their place
Pyramid-shaped UFOs buzzing the U.S. Navy are a real thing
A reparations for slavery bill has passed a House committee for the first time in history
Black Lives Matter and Antifa insurrectionists set up embattlements and lay siege to police station
White Populism is an upgrade from the Alt-Right
Will Joe Biden actually end the Forever War?
Democrats also want to expand the number of voters on the Supreme Court to get their way
Black Lives Matter chased away Andrew Yang for being pro-cop
Ashli Babbitt was killed by the police, but the media don’t care because of her race and politics
56% of young progressive White women have been diagnosed with a mental illness
A look back at William Jennings Bryan and the dawn of the populist era
America’s most famous, wealthy, powerful and privileged people are taking a bold progressive stand for democracy
Black Lives Matter and Antifa continue to riot as the insurrection spreads across Joe Biden’s America
We should stay there forever for defense contractors
The Populist Right has frozen over on the Biden presidency
We’re going to break Trump’s peace deal with the Taliban though
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