Compact: Against the Eugenicons
Michael Lind has started a debate about race realism and eugenics
Michael Lind has started a debate about race realism and eugenics
Violence and rioting has worked for the Left
1,292,623 cases, 76,928 deaths
The virus also loves our freedom
The discovery of Homo naledi in South Africa
What do polygenic scores say about the nature vs. nurture debate?
My DNA test results have been updated
Actually, the mainstream was wrong about racial differences in blood types
We’ve been told a great lie by liberals that we are all “individuals,” but in reality the cultural geography of the South matches the genetics of historical migration patterns
Isn’t it about time to admit the race realists were right?
An excessive amount of liberty leads to anarchy which is the greatest of all curses and ultimately destroys freedom
It doesn’t work well either in theory or practice
Detoxifying a very important issue
New advances in genomics sheds light on prehistoric migrations
He refuses to endorse the myth of racial equality
Scientists succumbed to political correctness
The great disappointment
The Alt-Right isn’t white supremacy
White Americans form regional genetic clusters
Milquetoast cuckservative hounded at Middlebury College
The genetics of American regional polarization
I’m 100 percent European
Europe I was under the impression this was impossible. The anti-racists have told us that we are exactly the same as other races. We are […]
United Kingdom In “The Childfree Life,” we saw that Time magazine had dedicated its entire August issue to glorifying voluntary childlessness. In the UK, BBC […]
Pennsylvania Adrian Raine’s The Anatomy of Violence: The Biological Roots of Crime amasses the latest evidence from neuroscience and uses it to inflict a devastating […]
Scientific American H/T CofCC In Black Run America, every aspect of our society (including scientific inquiry) is subordinated to the promotion of black people over […]
District of Corruption Charles Murray has penned a defense of Jason Richwine over at National Review: 1.) National Review fired John Derbyshire and Robert Weissberg […]
District of Corruption He gave an interview to Byron York. To his credit, Richwine refuses to apologize. Conservatism Inc. comes across as a bunch of […]
District of Corruption Check out these three news items: 1.) Jared Taylor mocks the gutless conservatives at Heritage who canned Jason Richwine because of the […]
Reddit H/T CofCC See the shitstorm here. See the HBD hate truth comment that sparked fury.
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