Amurrica Series: DREAM Act By Executive Order
District of Corruption Ultimately, it didn’t matter how many times we defeated the DREAM Act amnesty in Congress. The political class in Washington (including establishment […]
District of Corruption Ultimately, it didn’t matter how many times we defeated the DREAM Act amnesty in Congress. The political class in Washington (including establishment […]
Time I’m including the cover story of the latest issue of Time magazine, Jose Antonio Vargas’s “Not Legal Not Leaving,” who you may recall from […]
California In his latest Forbes column, Joel Kotkin takes a journey into the great progressive paradise on the West Coast: “California’s “progressive” approach has been […]
Florida Gov. Rick Scott grows a pair and sues the Obama administration: “TALLAHASSEE – Gov. Rick Scott announced Monday that the state is suing the […]
Israel H/T Walter Russell Mead I know there are White Nationalists who browse this website who hate Israel for the behavior of the Diaspora, but […]
Florida This is a story which has been catching fire in recent weeks: it started out with Florida identifying nearly 2,700 potential non-citizen voters, then […]
Israel Oy vey! The Africans are coming! “JERUSALEM (AP) — Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is warning that Israel could be swamped by illegal migrants from […]
Russia Today I just want to go on record here and say that in my gonzo fictional essays about the apocalyptic post-Sunbelt future this was […]
Alabama H/T VDARE The New York Times moans: “Alabamians should see on Wednesday, the last day of the legislative session, just how badly the Republicans […]
Alabama SPLC legal director Mary Bauer arrested while singing negro carols in Montgomery: Update: As an experiment, retweet this post by using the button in […]
Norway In a failed attempted at self immolation (not enough lighter fluid there, bro), Trine set himself on fire outside the Breivik trial … maybe he […]
GBTV Glenn Beck considers Geert Wilders a hero:
Bermuda H/T Paul Kersey As Britain is invaded by swarms of Third World immigrants from the Commonwealth, Bermuda is kicking out White Britons. Stephen Tomlinson […]
Dixie In my Hunter S. Thompson-gonzo style fictional writings about the apocalyptic post-Sunbelt future, I envisioned a world where illegal aliens had vanished from Dixie. […]
United States H/T VDARE Pat Buchanan interviewed about the disintegration of BRA and his book that was labelled “unfit for national dialogue” by MSNBC: Note: […]
Greece “We are a Christian nation and we are Europeans. We don’t need Asians, Muslim fanatics in our country, simple as that,” says Ilias Panagiotaros, […]
District of Corruption Here’s your president, Barack Hussein Obama, the president of Amurrica, celebrating Cinco De Mayo at the White House by calling for the […]
France This space is reserved for the commentary on the imminent death of the dog whistling fraud, Nicholas Sarkozy, in the French presidential election on […]
Indiana OD readers in Indiana (this means you Parrott) are strongly encouraged vote against Dick Lugar, the face of La Reconquista in Indiana, next week […]
Greece H/T Vox Day Following on the heels of Marine Le Pen’s recent electoral breakthrough in France, the Greek nationalists are poised for a surge […]
New York OD has learned that a group of immigration reform patriots were attacked in New York City on May Day by a group of […]
France H/T CofCC This is precisely why the West must rid itself of liberal democracy: it turns political power into a numbers game, dissolves the […]
District of Corruption NY Times is reporting that SCOTUS sounds sympathetic to Arizona’s position.
Mississippi A year ago, I would have been more excited by the Mississippi House finally passing a new immigration law. It was frustrating to watch […]
District of Corruption I see that our friend Peter Brimelow is being denounced by Al Sharpton on MSNBC for speaking at the CPAC conference. The […]
Florida Newt Gingrich laughs at Romney’s attrition through enforcement strategy and calls it “an Obama level fantasy,” says Romney has no concern for the “humanity” […]
South Carolina U.S. District Court Judge Richard Gergel has blocked South Carolina’s immigration law. This was entirely expected. Gergel was appointed by Barack Hussein Obama. […]
Arizona The news broke this evening: the U.S. Supreme Court is taking Arizona’s appeal over SB 1070. Elena Kagan will recuse herself from the case. […]
South Carolina Generation 5 has been inspired by William W. Freehling’s The Road To Disunion: Secessionists Triumphant (reviewed here last year) to pen an excellent […]
Utah Utah has been sued this evening by the Obama Justice Department, the Obama Department of Homeland Security, and the Obama State Department. As you […]
Battleground America The 2011 state elections are over. We have won some major victories. There are also some major losses. Moving forward, it is clear […]
Vermont Vermont has adopted a new immigration policy: it just so happens to be the exact opposite of the one we have in Alabama, South […]
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