Emmanuel Macron: France Will Require Mandatory Vaccine Passports
France is taking a turn toward authoritarian technocracy
France is taking a turn toward authoritarian technocracy
South Africa is leading the world toward “racial equity”
Prince Harry and Meghan have been given an environmental award for only having two children
MSNBC is constantly giving a platform to FBI agents
Progressives are starting to rethink their hysterical overreaction to COVID
Bottled water is destroying the environment
Is American imperialism to blame for Haiti’s problems?
Thousands of Cubans and Cuban exiles are protesting the communist regime
Mass rioting and looting erupts in South Africa
The ADL wants to censor the “Far Left” now
Wypipo, please help
Black lives never mattered to progressive activists
FBI asks you to report your friends and family members to the government for “extremism”
Woke progressivism is the “successor ideology” to liberalism
Charlottesville wastes no time in erasing American heritage
Conservatism, Inc. has never been more of a laughingstock
Teachers union head vows to defend CRT in court
Mike Bloomberg is in a race to create “a new kind of abundance”
Can we get out of this cursed union?
Canada is surging ahead of the United States in wokeness
Charlottesville was the canary in the coal mine
75% of men in gay marriages have a college degree
Most Americans think Joe Biden is an elderly figurehead
Spanish cuisine is also under attack by communists
Beef advertising should go the same way as tobacco advertising
Ibram X. Kendi claims his critics are attacking a straw man version of his arguments
#Resistance hero Michael Avenatti sentenced to 2.5 years in prison for extorting Nike
We’re not really leaving Afghanistan
Slavery was only the occasion of disunion, not the cause
What is the center of the American electorate?
Actually, there were undercover cops in the crowd on January 6th
The Deep State leaked Tucker Carlson’s emails to a “journalist”
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