The Guardian: White Nationalism is a ‘Rising Danger’
The Guardian has released an editorial piece denouncing White Nationalism as “a rising danger” to the post-World War II order which has brought the West […]
The Guardian has released an editorial piece denouncing White Nationalism as “a rising danger” to the post-World War II order which has brought the West […]
As we all know by now, the NFL is experiencing a self-inflicted decimation after enraging much of their fan base. They made the dubious decision […]
A majority of California Democrats and nearly half of Republicans would like to limit the constitutional rights of White Nationalists to free speech and public […]
Richard Spencer, Alt-Right leader and head of the National Policy Institute, is being denied the right to speak at the University of Florida, a publically-funded […]
In recent weeks Radical Agenda podcast host Chris Cantwell has proposed polygyny (not polygamy) as a way to bolster White demographics. Cantwell, a libertarian activist […]
As the Alt-Right rises and challenges the forces of evil to save our race and nation we have another important sign in the heavens of […]
League of the South holds its biggest conference yet
I haven’t written much lately because I have been black-pilled by the Islamic terrorism in Europe (and the lack of a proper response to it) […]
Anthony DeMarco at Social Matter discusses different forms of nationalism from a Right-wing, traditionalist Christian perspective on the latest Ascending the Tower podcast. He explores: […]
(I’m reposting this OD classic blog referencing Wilmot Robertson’s outstanding book “The Dispossessed Majority” and Instauration Magazine. OD’s internet traffic is exploding and we have […]
Alabama Editor’s Note: I wrote this article over two years ago. I was considering writing a new article about the subject, but nothing ever changes […]
Most of the Alternative Right, racial realist, Southern Nationalist “movement” is lamenting the defection of Derek Black, son of Don Black of Stormfront and responsible […]
Indiana It has been a big news day for White Nationalism. OD readers have sent me two emails about some recent headlines concerning the White […]
Northwest Republic Some commentators over at Counter-Currents have been taking potshots at Harold Covington in the Northwest Migration debate. Unsurprisingly, Greg Johnson has been censoring […]
Longview Mental Health Unit, Ward 5, Room 6, 25 Day After Being Committed Peering back into the White Nationalist movement, I noticed through a Google […]
Nowhere Ferdinand Bardamu has written an incendiary article about White Nationalism that briefly touches upon some of the subjects that I have dwelled upon for […]
The Vanguard I’ve been hearing rumors for several days now that “Hunter Wallace” has been cast as the arch villain and President of the United […]
Internet The following is a response to “Boris S.,” who is some type of traditionalist conservative, whose commentary about White Nationalism at The Thinking Housewife […]
Alabama I was browsing the Montgomery Advertiser this evening when I noticed that the SPLC has its new annual report out about the growth of […]
North Carolina I have a few questions: (1) How many of you are pissed off about the cancellation of the 2011 Amren conference? (2) How […]
North Carolina Imagine 2050 is doing some celebrating in the endzone over the cancellation of the 2011 Amren conference. I can’t say that I blame […]
PLE The subject of White Zionism is fresh on my mind. In recent weeks, I haven’t given much thought to the issue. Sam Dickson’s remarks at […]
Wyoming A reporter from Wyoming wants to interview me about the White Zion article and my thoughts on the Northwest Migration. We have corresponded through […]
The Pacific Northwest The pioneers are once again trekking across the North American continent to settle in the Pacific Northwest. They are bound for the […]
North Carolina In my last post, I asked some tough questions about the cancellation of the 2011 Amren conference in Charlotte. In this post, I […]
North Carolina The White Nationalist movement is spilling a lot of ink right now discussing the cancellation of the 2011 Amren conference. Before writing another […]
Indiana The “Quiet Awakening” continues to gather steam. While the attention of the White Nationalist world remains fixated on the 2011 Amren conference and the […]
North Carolina There are conflicting reports that the 2011 Amren conference in Charlotte has been cancelled due to anti-racist pressure. I got a phone call […]
The Vanguard Greg Johnson has some thoughts about violence over at Counter-Currents. I have some thoughts of my own about the subject. This is an […]
Arizona Last July, James Ryan (no relation to Jack Ryan) wrote a story in VDARE about the mainstream media’s attempt to smear restrictionists in Arizona […]
Alabama Who is going to create the White ethnostate? This is one of the most important differences of opinion between mainstreamers and vanguardists in the […]
The Media The mainstream media has emerged as the biggest loser in the Gabrielle Giffords shooting. Liberal journalists are coming away from this incident even […]
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