20 Predictions for the 2020s
Matt Parrott offers a forecast of the 2020s
Matt Parrott offers a forecast of the 2020s
Matt and Tony thank the several people who stepped up to assist with the lawsuit fundraiser, cover some current events, then interview Nick on the subject of welding.
Matt and Tony discuss current events and the Charlottesville lawsuits
If being pro-white makes me a “White Jihadi” to these self-important clown world imbeciles, then ALLAHU AKBAR!
Tony and Matt cover Marco Rubio’s attempt to drag the United States into Venezuela, the impending demise of civilization itself, and hype #YangGang before Tony interviews Matt on the trucking lifestyle, a dox-resistant profession that might be right for YOU.
Matt Parrott and Tony Hovater discuss William Planer’s case
Tony and Matt discuss the AltRight: Age of Rage documentary, Trump’s latest betrayals on Syria and the wall, and his boomerific State of the Union address.
Tony and Matt cover some breaking news, then dive into introducing the new show and its purpose.
The 21st century belongs to those who are allied together against fanatical imperialists of all stripes, including those who aim for a Greater Israel and those who aim for a “global caliphate.”
America’s heading for a four stage cascade failure, the first one being a crisis in the bond market which dramatically raises the cost of borrowing money.
Attached is a 13 page legal document demanding that Twitter turn over not only our tweets but our direct messages to the legal team attempting to sue us.
We need to focus on grassroots organizing and infrastructure development
Mexican organ thief cuts in line, stealing an American’s liver.
The intelligence community actively makes this country less safe than if there were no intelligence community at all with their destabilization, radicalization, isolation, and entrapment tactics.
There are only a few thousand Haitians in Massachusetts. How rare ought the sexualized torture and mutilation of children supposed to be?
Oliver Stone has apologized for the awful things he said. He has taken back his antisemitic remarks and will be forgiven after a probationary period […]
For decades, Democrats have maligned Republicans for using “The Southern Strategy“, a sleazy charade where they exploit populist resentment of forced integration, cultural upheaval, and […]
Randy Garver, a thoughtful commenter with an opposing perspective, pondered… Have any European advocacy groups attempted or achieved success in utilizing the existing politically correct […]
On the same day that I posted my Cosmic America article, Angelo Codevilla upstaged me with an excellent piece in The American Spectator: America’s Ruling […]
Jim Jones grew up in small town Indiana, in a community that epitomizes the White American people and our way of life. But Jim Jones […]
Holocaust Denial exemplifies at once everything that’s wrong with our movement. It frames us as dangerous, cruel, and irrelevant. But more importantly, it betrays a […]
Update: Matt Parrott no longer endorses this message Hunter’s recent post, “Proud to be an American?“, offers a damning list of disgraceful developments in this […]
The New Anti-Semitism is on the march in America… I love the media’s utmost concern for protecting this adult woman’s identity and treating it like […]
This week’s discussion will be on Chapter 2: Ethnic Differences from the America Besieged e-book. This chapter is split into three sections, summarizing the latest research and […]
At the recent conference in Nasvhille, Sam Dickson described our opponents’ rhetoric as “manic”. As somebody with a personal and family history of bipolar disorder, […]
The recent flood of attention from Reddit has definitely brought out the moonbats. Having admin access, I got to see the comments that were even […]
Every serious movement needs a political prisoner whose persecution serves as a rallying point for them to gather around. Anti-White Leftists have Mumia Abu-Jamal, a […]
Gregory Hood recently asked the hypothetical question, “What Would You Do With $55,000?” Despite what Jim Giles would have you believe about people being in […]
Richard Hoste has a piece at his HBD Books site, Pitfalls of White Nationalism, which embraces the American right’s single most time-honored tradition: that of […]
Real world advocacy is critically important, but to engage in a political struggle without acting in accord with overarching meta-political considerations is to thrash around […]
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