Niggas in Paris
France H/T CofCC This is precisely why the West must rid itself of liberal democracy: it turns political power into a numbers game, dissolves the […]
France H/T CofCC This is precisely why the West must rid itself of liberal democracy: it turns political power into a numbers game, dissolves the […]
Norway Breivik was planning a much larger scale attack: OSLO — There were 569 people on the island the day that Anders Behrig Breivik opened […]
Norway Here is a transcript of Breivik’s 73 minute self defense statement: “Responsible Norwegians and Europeans who feel morally obliged to not see that Norwegians […]
Takimag The Talk: Liberal Version:
Britain Liberalism is a mental illness that produces the same disastrous result wherever it is tried:
Norway More cartoons. This is great stuff from the creator of “The Glorious Nation of Zimbabwe” which was a big hit here. Spread these memes […]
Virginia Brooks D. Simpson has brought up the Virginia Flaggers in the context of my debate with Connie Chastain. I know very little about this […]
South Africa Colonel Jooste is an Afrikaner patriot. He is one of the few people in this insane country that seems to have his head […]
Tennessee I’m crossposting this here from the “Southern Heritage Preservation Group” on Facebook. These people are Negrophiles who believe in defending Southern heritage on the […]
Alabama “I know further, sir, that we have never dreamt of incorporating into our Union any but the Caucasian race—the free white race … I […]
Minnesota African-Americans in Minnesota react to a rumor that Lil’ Wayne and Drake are somewhere in the Mall of America. This could be a teaser […]
Cosmic America Last year, I remember Matt Parrott wrote an article about something called “Cosmic America.” It turns out there is a “Civil War blog” […]
Texas White Southerners find ourselves in a rather unique position among all other distinct ethnic groups that live under Black Run Amerika. We are facing […]
Colorado Today we are taking a trip out to Colorado where the gentry liberal strategy has been exported from California. Obama has been campaigning in […]
District of Corruption Speaking from my heart, I don’t feel an ounce of American patriotism toward Washington, DC. I hate that place and the tyranny […]
District of Corruption As everyone knows by now, Rick Perry is running for president in 2012. He is the latest Republican opportunist who is trying […]
Norway I will just reproduce this from the New York Times. As I said yesterday, John Brown has been reincarnated as a Norwegian. This is […]
Illinois Sonia Sotomayor, the “Wise Latina” of the Supreme Court, recently made some headlines in the mainstream press. She gave a speech to the University […]
Maine As we move toward the annual deification of Martin Luther King in the United States, I don’t feel like posting yet another ritual attack […]
District of Corruption You got to love Chris Matthews. This guy is one of those self righteous hypocrites who would have a heart attack if […]
District of Corruption Statement by the President and First Lady on Kwanzaa “Michelle and I extend our warmest thoughts and wishes to all those who […]
New York Over the course of the past year, I have developed an intense dislike of “progressives.” Barack Obama and the Democrats are so awful […]
Georgia Georgia is a state that I know well. My family is originally from Central Georgia. I have lots of relatives on the other side […]
Virginia Virginia is a state that was cracking down on immigration before it was cool. As most Virginians know, Prince William County has been enforcing […]
Something I have been wondering: where is the “Hatewatch” on the Tim Wise story? The SPLC, which the media assures us is a “non-partisan watchdog” […]
Nevada White America is furious. For the past three months, I have written about little else. I have explored the connections between implicit Whiteness, the […]
I just want to quietly suggest that perhaps, just perhaps, we have been over-sold on the idea of “Europe as lost” by American mainstream conservatives […]
Orange County, California. In The New York Times, Adam Nagourney has a gushing new column about the decline of conservatism in Orange County, the birthplace […]
In the Wall Street Journal, William McGurn draws attention to the escalation of the Kulturkampf between the Reds and Blues in the United States. Thirty […]
The Ground Zero Mosque is without a doubt the most outrageous surrender to political correctness and multiculturalism that I have ever seen in my lifetime. […]
In the Los Angeles Times, Gregory Rodriguez has written an unusual article, one you wouldn’t expect to find in one of the most liberal newspapers […]
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