Poll Watch: Democratic Favorability Plunges To 29%
Democratic favorability drops to the lowest point in thirty years
Democratic favorability drops to the lowest point in thirty years
The Democratic brand is toxic for candidates in swing districts
American support for “Standing With Israel” has cratered
Trump is now doing laps around his rivals
The Democratic Party might be poised to shift Right
Americans love the Golden Age of America
Joe Biden limps out of office as the most unpopular Democratic president in modern history
Who leans to the Right in the United States?
Americans want to deport illegal aliens, but are squeamish about concentration camps
Russia hawks tend to be Cold Warriors
56% of Republican voters want a strong man willing to break the rules
Donald Trump gets another lucky break in federal court
28% of Americans cite immigration as the most important issue facing the country
Support for Israel among young evangelical Christians is down 50% in three years
Joe Biden hits rock bottom in the NBC News poll
Joe Biden has moved the politics of immigration to the Right
Joe Biden is falling and he can’t get up
81% of Republican primary voters agree that illegal aliens are poisoning our blood
28% of Americans are satisfied with the way Our Democracy is working
The Democratic coalition is cracking up
Joe Biden’s toxic embrace of Bibi Netanyahu is killing him with young voters
Joe Biden is imploding with his own base
FOX Geezers are Standing With Israel
Americans are divided on Standing With Israel and Ukraine
Donald Trump is routing Joe Biden in the swing states
Support for Israel is soft in the United States
Only 41% of Americans support arming Ukraine
The polls are suddenly great for Donald Trump
The American political system has been discredited
8% of DC residents would vote to find Trump not guilty
Democrats argue Donald Trump is ineligible to become president
Are your fellow Americans your enemy?
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