Woke LCMS President Works With Antifa To Dox and Excommunicate His Own Members For “Racism”
The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod is working with Antifa to purge “racists” from Lutheran congregations
The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod is working with Antifa to purge “racists” from Lutheran congregations
Captain America is gay and woke now
The secret formula of shitlib box office success
“Sexy” is a social construct
Victoria’s Secret is redefining “sexy” for progressive activists
The core tenets of social justice ideology are massively unpopular
It is now on sale at Amazon, Target and Barnes and Noble
The U.S. Navy does not consider Black Lives Matter an extremist organization
Far more people quit watching professional sports
What is being taught to students from rich families in America’s elite private schools?
Ricky Vaughn cost Hillary Clinton the 2016 election by sharing saucy memes on the internet
Joe Biden’s Inaugural Address compared to President Snow’s call for Unity
The Saints are above engaging with unclean people
Karl Marx has a complicated relationship with wokeness
Google is blacklisting rightwing sites
Andrew Sullivan is returning to blogging at The Dish
Why is White, Western Christian man being deconstructed?
Progressives are rolling out a new racial caste system based on Critical Social Justice Theory
Woke supremacy is a secular negative piety
A genealogy of Critical Social Justice Theory
The common thread is subversion and deconstruction
The social justice system has repudiated equal justice
What is Critical Social Justice Theory?
California formalizes its progressive racial hierarchy
It is social justice!
Jesus Christ represents white supremacy
Hollywood is learning the financial consequences of wokeness
Cervix owners and menstruators do not have a monopoly on being women
The Capitol hands out awards to its favorite citizens
Kyle Kashuv made some racist comments when he was 16-years-old in private
The Great Awokening has taken over mainstream culture and politics
YouTube censorship sets off an uproar on the Right
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