Happy Halloween: Stock Market Predicts Trump Victory
Stock market says its going to be Trump
Stock market says its going to be Trump
Crooked Hillary plagued by a buffet of new scandals
Latest national and state polls
Hillary: “When they go low, I go JLO”
Commissars of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion get him fired
Conservatism is a virtue signaling cult for losers
The Great Reaction is only beginning
From Hillary +12 to Hillary +2 in under a week
He will be doing chalkboards
FBI reopens email investigation
Globalism is losing support in both parties
2012 GOP Pres and VPs Now Anti Trump Traitor Team
The Mormon conspiracy to take down Trump
Whitey Found Not Guilty!
Bloomberg suggests it is Plan B
“The biggest ‘f*** you’ ever recorded in human history”
The Twilight of Liberal Democracy
Ben Domenech attempts to explain the populist moment
Populists are supposed to ride in the back of this bus!
Alas, the Constitution didn’t save us
#NeverTrumpers discuss their latest schemes
#DegenerateArt is also making a comeback
This is where your Republican Party went
The Battle Cry of the Cucked Evangelical
The Alt-Right made fun of me
The GOP would have rejected “Sane Trump” too
We The People of The Current Year
AT&T to buy Time Warner
Occidental Dissent credited by Buzzfeed
Trump’s closing argument
Black mob violence has gone mainstream
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