End The USA
Virginia Ron Paul is right that we need to “End the Fed.” Unfortunately, he doesn’t go nearly far enough for my tastes. We need to […]
Virginia Ron Paul is right that we need to “End the Fed.” Unfortunately, he doesn’t go nearly far enough for my tastes. We need to […]
The Future I’m going to raise this as a historical possibility: as those of us in Alabama who are descended from Old Virginia well know, […]
Tim’s Terror Tim Wise is a clear example of a cultural termite, a communist sympathizer, who is trying to rot our public discourse because he […]
Bizarre World You can “pivot” back to reality now too. It is the “pivot” heard around the world. Smart people are talking. The Bruce Springsteen […]
Vulcan Spaceship, High Earth Orbit As BRA’s crisis unfolds on MSNBC, as the Money Power collapses in New York City, the Vulcan historians have arrived […]
District of Corruption Listen up, Mitt. Karl Rove is dead in the water. The liberal establishment is dead in the water. He doesn’t understand White […]
BRA’s Freedom Ride What you are seeing on television (unfolding before our eyes) is what it is like to be the President of the United […]
Virginia Over two centuries ago, Thomas Jefferson and the Old Republicans (the rightwing anti-government domestic extremists of their time) were wise enough to insert the […]
Germany What was Martin Luther more famous for than anything else? Well, let’s see. It was outside-the-box thinking. Being a heretic. Standing up to the powerful. […]
District of Corruption Chris Matthews is on television preaching nothing but nonsense. Barack Hussein Obama is panicking. The Democratic Party is collapsing in the Heartland. […]
District of Corruption In 2008, the liberal establishment was comparing Barack Hussein Obama to Abraham Lincoln. This analogy between a black fictional image and Lincoln […]
Alabama If there was ever any doubt that the liberal establishment is facing a full blown crisis of legitimacy, it can be found in this […]
Texas No, we are not ready for Captain Freedom!!! This is what we want to see: “Hello cutie pie, one of us is in deep […]
District of Corruption Who sounds crazier? Nero or Obama? I submit that the entire world feels like these Roman Senators.
BRA’s Media The eunuch Michael Lind has written a tirade in Salon against the Tea Party and “Neo-Confederates” and “White Southern extremism.” The League of […]
New York I’ve always dreamed of getting the chance to fight for my country. I’m not talking about BRA. The resurrection of the Confederacy has always […]
Birmingham, Alabama Why do I write? It is very simple. I write because I am a citizen with a grievance. I’m concerned about the future […]
Alabama In the midst of a historic legitimacy crisis, as his presidency shrivels in the eyes of the world, Barack Hussein Obama has sued Alabama […]
District of Corruption The Christian Science Monitor explores “America’s Big Shift Right” in a seven page article: it takes them seven pages to say that […]
New York It is not about government per se. Everyone recognizes the need for a government. It is this particular government that White America despises. […]
District of Corruption A few points before signing off … (1) Everyone can come out of their shell now because Americans are the most self […]
District of Corruption This is what passes for “leadership” in BRA’s federal government: I swear, if I have to watch another one of these disastrous […]
Alabama We’re currently flying high above the surface of planet earth looking down at the events transpiring below from the objective perspective of an alien […]
Mississippi Moving on from the Norway shooting … In my travels across Georgia and Alabama, I can’t help but marvel at how effective SNCC was […]
Alabama “Today I have made you a fortified city, an iron pillar and a bronze wall to stand against the whole land – against the […]
Alabama These and other stories are making the news in the state where Martin Luther King famously had his dream that African-Americans would one day […]
Alabama In an effort to garner a wider audience for the “hate truth” in the great state of Alabama, Occidental Dissent has launched a mirror […]
Alabama Uniontown’s annual “Footwash celebration” looks like an excellent place to see MLK’s Dream in action. OD and SBPDL will have grab some Colt 45 and […]
Michigan North Korea takes over Detroit. Gosh, you can’t make this stuff up, seriously: “They Are Here To Help.” You know, if Obama is reelected […]
Alabama “Don’t tell me I’m not coming home when I come to Selma, Ala. I’m here because somebody marched for our freedom. I’m here because […]
Alabama “What happened in Selma is part of a far larger movement which reaches into every section and State of America. It is the effort […]
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