Poll: Joe’s COVID Relief Bill Is a Huge Winner
Joe takes a victory lap around defeated True Cons
Joe takes a victory lap around defeated True Cons
Establishment politicians are retiring because their voters are either dead, senile or Democrats now
The future of conservatism can be glimpsed in the past
The True Cons are retiring
Billionaires and corporate donors turning on Sen. Josh Hawley only made him more popular
How should the child tax credit be reformed?
Donald Trump hits Mitch McConnell and the Wall Street Journal
Michael Brendan Dougherty, Ross Douthat and Jane Coaston debate “Trumpism”
Mitch McConnell is terrified by the thought of unemployment checks
Party coalitions are in flux right now
55% of the CPAC audience would vote for Trump in the 2024 primary
Trump lays claim to the Republican Party
Republican voters have soured on the libertarian approach to big business
Nick Fuentes is still banned from CPAC
Trumpism is completing its conquest of the GOP
Paul Gosar and Steve King spoke at AFPAC
Probable 2024 candidates audition for president
Are Woke elites poised to rule America for a generation?
The preening of the True Cons is the same, but the power and influence has evaporated
Conservatives keep falling in traps no one actually set for them.
Republicans are mean people for attacking trans people
There is a lack of public support for Republican establishment politics
CPAC hasn’t caught up with the realignment of voters
Is it time to be white pilled?
What is on the mind of Republican and Democratic voters?
Liz Cheney doesn’t think Donald Trump should have any role in the future of the Republican Party
The military is being transformed into an arena for exotic and divisive social experiments that have nothing to do with its mission
It is game over for True Conservatism
Trump wants to finish taking over the Republican Party
Working class voters are trending Republican
Donald Trump and Trumpism aren’t going anywhere
What is the point of AFPAC?
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