Donald Trump: Republicans and Democrats Will Make a Deal To Save DACA
DACA isn’t going anywhere, folks!
DACA isn’t going anywhere, folks!
Over a million illegal aliens were arrested at the border or at ports of entry in FY 2019
Neocons howl with outrage as Turkroach invasion begins
The forgotten grifters of America are forgotten no longer
Christopher Cantwell and Hunter Wallace discuss the Deep State and the meltdown of The Daily Stormer
Trump could face a jury of Senate Republicans
The Hispanics are doing incredible
A special Rosh Hashanah message from the King of the Jews
The Russia conspiracy takes a strange new twist
Trump expressed an interest in gun confiscation
‘America First’ is ranting about Iran
More tax cuts are coming, folks!
He ghosted on them after returning home
Donald Trump declares himself the Moshiach
Chris Cuomo is dangerous, folks!
The Democrats are defining us as their real opposition
Trump disavows Anthony Scaramucci
Fool me once. Shame on you. Fool me twice. Shame on me. Fool me three times. Don’t take me seriously ever again
Democrats have pivoted from the Russia conspiracy to a vast white supremacist conspiracy
Nothing could be further from the truth
Conservatives are working with Big Tech and Democrats to suppress your free speech and gun rights
There are too many jobs Americans won’t do, folks!
Blompf and the GOP think gun control is a winning issue for them
Trump sold out his base on gun control for nothing
Conservatives are comparing us to ISIS. So why don’t we blow up the GOP in the 2020 election?
If social media media companies and liberal judges see “red flags,” they can seize your guns
Sorry fellas, the wignats didn’t ruin it for you
Blompf’s legacy is racial polarization
The verdict in his trial is still pending
No, he just sold the policy agenda to the donors
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