Frontline PBS: Zero Tolerance
PBS has released a new documentary on how Donald Trump has used immigration as an issue to win and then blow his presidency
PBS has released a new documentary on how Donald Trump has used immigration as an issue to win and then blow his presidency
Beto O’Rourke sits down to talk to Wolf Blitzer
It is also engaged in an anti-Trump conspiracy
The president alone wants to wash his hands of the Syria quagmire
American troops will be redeployed elsewhere in the region
Donald Trump slays leftwing journos and cucks in a funny video
The Syrian and Turkish armies are on a collision course
Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman wormed their way into Trump’s elite circles and have imperiled his presidency
Ann Coulter talks to Eric Metaxas about the Blompf presidency
The endless wars are ending folks, believe me
Antifa are still rioting with impunity
DACA isn’t going anywhere, folks!
Over a million illegal aliens were arrested at the border or at ports of entry in FY 2019
Neocons howl with outrage as Turkroach invasion begins
The forgotten grifters of America are forgotten no longer
Christopher Cantwell and Hunter Wallace discuss the Deep State and the meltdown of The Daily Stormer
Trump could face a jury of Senate Republicans
The Hispanics are doing incredible
A special Rosh Hashanah message from the King of the Jews
The Russia conspiracy takes a strange new twist
Trump expressed an interest in gun confiscation
‘America First’ is ranting about Iran
More tax cuts are coming, folks!
He ghosted on them after returning home
Donald Trump declares himself the Moshiach
Chris Cuomo is dangerous, folks!
The Democrats are defining us as their real opposition
Trump disavows Anthony Scaramucci
Fool me once. Shame on you. Fool me twice. Shame on me. Fool me three times. Don’t take me seriously ever again
Democrats have pivoted from the Russia conspiracy to a vast white supremacist conspiracy
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