Nationalist Front To Host White Lives Matter Rally In Middle Tennessee
Nationalist Front will protest the Emanuel Samson church shooting
Nationalist Front will protest the Emanuel Samson church shooting
The unrest of late and the increasing volume of ever-present demands to confiscate white wealth give one cause for consideration of an ancient truth of […]
I warned them it would happen
Mob even attacks Mayor Lyda Krewson’s house
US Senator Tim Scott (appointed by former SC Governor Nimrata “Nikki” Haley – an Indian immigrant, amnesty enthusiast and anti-Southern heritage activist) has lectured President Donald Trump […]
The Jefferson Memorial also needs to go
DeAndre is an aspiring rap artist who was turning his life around
Law enforcement in the “Capital of the Resistance” is a joke
Charlottesville has passed a race based spoils system
Charlottesville brought this on itself
The American South will always be the fountain of reaction
Recently, I’ve noticed many whites taking up behavior that is more common among American negroes. These practices and appearances should be avoided by our people. […]
New Orleans is cursed
Margaret E. Jacobsen has a new article for Romper explaining her discomfort with her mulatto children making White friends. Jacobsen wears a ring through her […]
Antebellum Southerners wrote at length about race
1960s flower child presents her opinions on the Confederacy
Kumbaya with Antifa and Black Lives Matter
Patriotism has become a Pete Seeger song
The great disappointment
The South wanted to create a new conservative nation
The Cuckfederates had their chance
Was the Confederacy racist?
The Trump Administration is allowing tens of thousands of a low IQ, high crime rate population to remain in the United States for an additional […]
Popular morality changes over time
The Confederacy really was racist
Antifas vandalize Confederate monument in St. Louis
New Orleans steps boldly into the future
BBQ is a social justice cause
It wasn’t black crime
New Orleans might have put it over the top
The speech is full of platitudes and boilerplate
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