Salon: Godless Grifters: How the New Atheists Merged With The Far Right
The “far right” is growing by leaps and bounds these days
The “far right” is growing by leaps and bounds these days
White children should be indoctrinated in anti-whiteness from the earliest possible age
Yale University School of Medicine hosts a speaker who talks about “unloading a revolver” into random White people
Woke progressivism is turning liberals into reactionaries
Is freedom of thought a basic liberty worth preserving?
Nathan Bedford Forrest will finally be able to rest in peace
California is moving toward a more “equitable”future
Progressives are taking a huge risk by assuming they always have the right answers
The GOP has a better shot at winning back White Indies than minorities
The military-industrial complex is checking its privilege
Antifa are the fruit of the “social justice” movement
Joe Biden confuses the problems of 2021 with 1921
Armed black supremacists march through Tulsa and vow to kill all the White people
“Owning the libs” is really a thing of the past
Is Russia behind the widespread mockery of wokeness creeping into the U.S. military?
Have the White allies betrayed the Movement for Black Lives?
The Whites allies signed up for a season of solidarity
Tucker Carlson raises the PMC Question
Violent crime is skyrocketing in Democratic-controlled big cities
Progressive activists want to censor cable news now
Woke progressivism is a national security threat
Democrats are using language which alienates working class voters
Antifa have destroyed Portland’s reputation
Mark McCloskey now wants to stand up to the woke mob in Washington
It is very important to watch what service members are tweeting and posting on their own time
Prince Harry thinks the First Amendment is bonkers
Woke progressives want to return the National Parks to so-called “Native Americans”
We live in a very unserious country
It will eventually get to the point where cishet White males will not be allowed to talk
White Americans have lost touch with their roots
The Left is defined by its cultural radicalism
It is never too early to start indoctrinating your child in woke progressivism
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