David French: America Must Occupy The Middle East Forever
The cost of global empire is perpetual war
The cost of global empire is perpetual war
Tucker is worried that the Left is playing with fire
Mitch McConnell senses another opportunity to pass legislation the Republican base doesn’t want
The mainstream media has a story about race in America it wants to tell, but most people in the White Nationalist movement don’t trust journalists for a reason
Fool me once. Shame on you. Fool me twice. Shame on me. Fool me three times. Don’t take me seriously ever again
The “virus” of the Alt-Right is the dawning awareness that mainstream conservatism is utterly ineffective
Pitchfork Ben Tillman describes the Redemption of South Carolina
White people have been infected by the mind virus of white supremacy!
Democrats have pivoted from the Russia conspiracy to a vast white supremacist conspiracy
Nothing could be further from the truth
The Trump DOJ has gone out of its way to prosecute “white supremacists” under obscure statutes
Conservatives are working with Big Tech and Democrats to suppress your free speech and gun rights
There are too many jobs Americans won’t do, folks!
Blompf and the GOP think gun control is a winning issue for them
Trump sold out his base on gun control for nothing
Conservatives are comparing us to ISIS. So why don’t we blow up the GOP in the 2020 election?
The owner of 8chan claims the El Paso shooter posted on Instagram
It is time to take the gloves off
True Conservatism casts aside the eternal principles of classical liberalism to repress White Nationalists
If social media media companies and liberal judges see “red flags,” they can seize your guns
Trump denounces white supremacy and proposes sweeping new pre-crime gun control laws
Beware of the fedposters
Conservatism has presided over the erasure of our borders, the destruction of the family, the perversion of our culture and the gutting of the working class
The Dayton shooter was a proud supporter of Elizabeth Warren
Gutless conservatives have allowed our border to collapse because they are afraid of being called racists
What are White Nationalists saying about El Paso?
Beta O’Dork is attempting to use El Paso to reset his flailing campaign
This is the third mass shooting of the week
Why was the South so nonchalant about the Declaration of Independence?
A one man death squad killed a bunch people at a Wal-Mart in El Paso this morning
The Founding Fathers of South Carolina were hardly civic nationalists
Sorry fellas, the wignats didn’t ruin it for you
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