Clownworld Doesn’t Pay for Itself – Part I
To the average cuck, the concept of “White Nationalism” sounds plain crazy. Yet, we know it’s even crazier to think that our rotten era will […]
To the average cuck, the concept of “White Nationalism” sounds plain crazy. Yet, we know it’s even crazier to think that our rotten era will […]
Sudanese refugee opens fire on predominantly White church
I warned them it would happen
Law enforcement in the “Capital of the Resistance” is a joke
Charlottesville brought this on itself
The American South will always be the fountain of reaction
A collapsed bridge and the horrible traffic congestion of Atlanta’s roads can’t convince most people to give MARTA, the city’s public transportation system, a chance. […]
New Orleans is cursed
Antebellum Southerners wrote at length about race
1960s flower child presents her opinions on the Confederacy
The brief Irish experiment in self-government appears to have failed. The Guardian reports: The son of an Indian immigrant who came out as gay in […]
The racist, sexist and homophobic kingdom of the Men of the West is being enriched by the vibrant culture of the Orcs. Gondor’s new diversity […]
Kumbaya with Antifa and Black Lives Matter
The Cuckfederates had their chance
Was the Confederacy racist?
The real threat of terrorism, as far as the establishment is concerned, is that it will inspire a nationalist backlash against open borders. That is […]
Antifas vandalize Confederate monument in St. Louis
New Orleans steps boldly into the future
It wasn’t black crime
New Orleans might have put it over the top
The speech is full of platitudes and boilerplate
We will not go quietly into the night
Andrew Jackson’s birthday was respectfully observed by President Trump on March 15th, and celebrated by some on social media. I happened upon the Twitter profile […]
He maliciously set the fire
Rahm Emanuel’s people changed America
Killer could be an African illegal alien or refugee
“She’d be the first to point out that victims of violence in D.C. are disproportionately people of color.”
Another day, another Muslim terror attack, another round of predictably useless reactions from cucked Westerners. “Not all Muslims! Most are peaceful” they cry, though they […]
She confessed to making it all up
5 dead, 40 wounded
According to mainstream conservative icon US President Ronald Reagan Americans are “people from every corner of the world” who love freedom. They “Leave their own […]
Whites are threatened in South Africa
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