Snow White Bombs At Box Office
Snow White opens to a dismal $45 million
Snow White opens to a dismal $45 million
Civil War would have been a lot better with actual storytelling
Denis Villeneuve’s Dune 2 is worth checking out
Civil War is coming out next spring
A brief, non-spoiler review of Oppenheimer
We are still living under “white supremacy”
The Northman isn’t your usual film experience
The Oscars actually made news this year
Hollywood studios policed their own content for several decades
Jews, Hollywood and the creation of mass culture
Cuties wallows in the filth of Modernist decadence
It is now open season on Whitey
Richard Jewell was put on trial by the media after the 1996 Olympics bombing
Richard Spencer and Mark Brahmin review 1917
The Federation has lost its moral center and swung isolationist
Marvel is poised to queer up its man baby feed in the 2020s
Hollywood is learning the financial consequences of wokeness
Progressives rage about the new Ghostbusters
Is the sequel happening or what?
The American Right is now living in a post-Joker world
Thirsty queers drool over massive box office flop
Batwoman is a Jewish lesbian who celebrates Hanukkah with her girlfriend
Coming soon on Netflix
The unbelievable fictional story of Harriet Tubman
The political police are not the good guys
It says that the media thrives on creating needless hysteria
Joker is an apology for white male supremacy!
Joker is really about white privilege
The Joker demographic is a fifth of all young people
Richard Spencer on Joker, Jacob Wohl, and the 2020 Alt-Right
SPOILER ALERT: Don’t read this review if you haven’t seen the movie
Joker is released in theaters tonight
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