Michael Malice: Why Does The Left Hate The Working Class?
Why is the Left losing ground with the working class?
Why is the Left losing ground with the working class?
White farmers score victory in lawsuit against “equity” program
Jimmy Dore interviews Dylan Ratigan on the housing crisis
If you must eat a steak, limit your portion size to 4oz, experts warn
Loudoun County, VA is the epicenter of the Wokelash
Anthony Fauci is under fire after declaring himself the embodiment of “science”
Horseshoe bats have finally been found in Wuhan
The modern Left in Britain is a metropolitan party of college-educated, middle class professionals who loathe the working class
The public education system is infested with “social justice” curriculums
Is whiteness an “incurable” and “malignant, parasitic like condition”?
Michael Lind is getting under the skin of the Democratic establishment
Shitlibs are buying insect-based dog food for their pets
The “bubbas” are revolting against the cucks within the Southern Baptist Convention
Antifa are the violent minions of the political establishment
The new Democratic coalition has no appetite for taxing the wealthy
Robin DiAngelo has a new book about how White progressives are the most awful racists in the country
The new antiracism is far more polarizing than the old antiracism
51% of Americans believe changing gender is morally wrong
Private equity firms want to be your landlord
Matt Karp laments our current age of culture war, class dealignment and education polarization
11% of Oregonians support White Nationalism
Come on, man. This is not a joke
Consumer prices are up 5% since last May
The corporate media lied about U.S. Park Police dispersing “peaceful protesters” at the behest of Trump
Look at me. I am science!
The Border Patrol encountered 180,034 illegal aliens in May
The Pentagon is celebrating Pride Month
A 14-year-old White girl in North Dakota was recently killed in a horrific assault by a black male
In Virginia, Democrats control every level of government, but social democracy has gone nowhere
James Lindsay warns that CRT will lead to genocide
The White male liberal is an outcast in the new Democratic Party
American shitlibs don’t know what to think
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