The Atlantic: Cancel Culture Is Dead
What happened to cancel culture?
What happened to cancel culture?
The U.S. military is anti-White
Ryan Carson was stabbed to death in front of his girlfriend in Brooklyn
Corporate America has stopped hiring White people
2020 was a major turning point
The “far right” has jumped the shark!
The “Populist Left” case for grooming children
A book review of James C. Burkee’s Power, Politics and the Missouri Synod
“Racism” is not a sin
Elementary schools have been transformed into prisons
Affirmative action nearly caused a plane crash in Austin
Anti-Whiteism is spiraling out of control in America
The LCMS has changed its tune on racism
Sadly, the rumors are true
Wokeism has infected the Missouri Church Lutheran Synod
The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod is working with Antifa to purge “racists” from Lutheran congregations
Racial attitudes are driving education polarization
Joe Biden signs an executive order on “equity” in the federal government
GB News investigates Britain’s grooming gangs
White Americans are sharply divided on race and identity
5 out of 97 federal judges confirmed by Joe Biden are White men
The Columbus metro area has been the scene of several black-on-White crimes in recent years
The Democratic Party is the party of minority and affluent White coastal professionals
Systemic anti-Whiteism is spiraling out of control in America
Tyre Nichols was killed by “racism”
Antiwhiteism has become fashionable in our culture
Is Western liberal democracy worth defending?
Sheila Jackson Lee wants to gut the First Amendment for White people
Sheila Jackson Lee has stoked an enormous online backlash with her anti-White hate crimes bill
Joe Biden calls for gun control in MLK Day speech
San Francisco is exploring reparations for the War on Drugs
Republican voters are alarmed by rising anti-Whiteism
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