MSNBC: Whites Are Being Demographically Replaced In America
The demographic decline of White America will inevitably empower Democrats
The demographic decline of White America will inevitably empower Democrats
The ABA is apologizing for mailing an “anti-trans” book which it condemns as a “serious, violent incident”
Why are Whites leaving South Africa?
Woke progressivism is the “successor ideology” to liberalism
Democrats will now determine who can speak freely online
The UN has been invited by the Biden administration to investigate systematic racism in American policing
41% of Baltimore City High School students have less than a 1.0 grade point average
51% of voters want Confederate monuments to remain standing
Progressive technocrats and busybodies are the real authoritarians
The U.S. military no longer protects the states from invasion. It protects the woke professional class
I only hired him because “Mad Dog” Mattis couldn’t stand him!
Boris Johnson is hunting down racists and “making an example” of them for the political establishment
Donald Trump was like Adolf Hitler
Will the Wokelash sweep away institutional antiracism?
Are “Latinx” voters suffering from negro fatigue?
For better or worse, Tucker Carlson is channeling the thunder of the populist Right
We’re dialing up the culture war against the woke professional class
Jim Eagle is “white supremacy” on steroids
Boris Johnson will meet with social media firms to get them to hunt down “racists”
The Biden administration wants to appoint hall monitors to censor your text messages now
South Africa is leading the world toward “racial equity”
Mass rioting and looting erupts in South Africa
FBI asks you to report your friends and family members to the government for “extremism”
Woke progressivism is the “successor ideology” to liberalism
Charlottesville wastes no time in erasing American heritage
Teachers union head vows to defend CRT in court
Can we get out of this cursed union?
Canada is surging ahead of the United States in wokeness
Charlottesville was the canary in the coal mine
Ibram X. Kendi claims his critics are attacking a straw man version of his arguments
The ADL pretty much runs social media now
A statue of civil rights icon Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. has been vandalized in Long Beach
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