Verified Hate: We’re the Ultimate Tyrants
Oppressive by our very nature.
Oppressive by our very nature.
Are there “basic white people” in Christmas movies?
The social media company Twitter, which has suspended accounts of numerous Right-wing users for their political views, is in the spotlight after its reaction to […]
The cost of the Union’s continued existence and the subjugation of Dixie was on full display this week as Third World immigrants, Blacks and Northern […]
The folks at Very Smart Brothas (who are apparently unable to correctly spell “brother”) suspect tens of millions of normal White people of being “racist” […]
Germany’s government, which under Chancellor Angela Merkel’s administration has been aggressively replacing ethnic Germans with Third World immigrants, is using its power to attack social […]
CBS has fired its vice president Haley Geftman-Gold after she posted comments on social media expressing her lack of sympathy for the 58 people recently […]
As we all know by now, the NFL is experiencing a self-inflicted decimation after enraging much of their fan base. They made the dubious decision […]
In a recent article for Politico Joshua Zeitz, a Jewish historian from New Jersey, attacks White identity politics in US history and glorifies identity politics […]
It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s an anti-White shitlib in a silly costume! The Hollywood Reporter notes that Superman is now a super advocate for […]
Charlotte, North Carolina Republican mayoral candidate Kimberley Paige Barnette is under attack from the Left-wing media and the GOP establishment for describing herself as “Republican […]
Black Lives Matter activist Shaun King (who was born White but LARPs as Black and has several mulatto children) has used social media in recent days […]
Leftists this week took to Twitter and other social media to condemn the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) for releasing an advertisement of a White […]
Many tens of thousands of Leftists and non-Whites rallied and marched in cities across the United States to express their hatred of White people. A […]
The US Department of Justice is preparing for a campaign of legal battles against universities which have adopted policies that discriminate against higher performing White […]
Pat Catney, a recently elected member of the Northern Ireland Assembly from Lisburn, is celebrating his successful push to have a Confederate flag taken down […]
Huffington Post’s Ja’han Jones demonstrates in a recent article how even a Left-wing darling of a very special and protected ethnic group can be thrown […]
Andrew Abramson of the Sun Sentinel urges us to “burn it down — destroy the Confederacy once and for all.” Talmudic hatred dripping from every […]
Recently we pointed out that Marxist activist and Southern University adjunct professor Malcolm Suber was leading a group called Take ‘Em Down NOLA against a […]
Malcolm Suber, an adjunct professor of political science at Southern University, is an organizer of the group Take ‘Em Down NOLA which has led the […]
The Washington Times is deeply concerned about an endangered culture along Louisiana’s coast that is threatened by rising seas. If you have in mind the […]
Diversity is the primary weakness of the small southeastern European country of Macedonia, which has endured a lengthy and intense political and now-violent struggle between […]
The replacement of Whites by non-White immigrants in Georgia’s sixth congressional district in the suburbs of Atlanta are favoring Democratic candidate Jon Ossoff in this […]
Neo-conservative Max Boot claims in a new Foreign Policy article that the “unspoken assumption that only white Christians are true Americans” is “ugly stuff.” He […]
German Chancellor Angela Merkel is the “leader of the free world” and “the West’s last, best hope,” James Rubin writes in a recent article for […]
A day in the life of a TRS listener
The ADL attempts to redefine the Alt-Right
It was a disappointing speech
Neocons are uncomfortable with White identity politics
The Lügenpresse doesn’t represent the people
The latest manifestation of the never ending March of Progress in the United States is a movement to replace President Andrew Jackson with abolitionist Harriet […]
Wisconsin Remember the anti-White Unfair Campaign in Duluth, Minnesota? It has shifted its operations less than ten miles away to the University of Wisconsin Superior. […]
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