Newsweek: It’s Time to Use The Magnitsky Act to Combat “Hate”
The progressive case for an Orwellian shitlib totalitarian police state
The progressive case for an Orwellian shitlib totalitarian police state
If the president of the United States can be deplatformed, so can a lowly freshman congressman
The shitlibs love censorship
Democrats will now determine who can speak freely online
Progressive technocrats and busybodies are the real authoritarians
Boris Johnson will meet with social media firms to get them to hunt down “racists”
The Biden administration wants to appoint hall monitors to censor your text messages now
The ADL wants to censor the “Far Left” now
The ADL pretty much runs social media now
Donald Trump is taking his cancellation to court
Facebook is encouraging its users to police their family and friends for wrongthink
Donald Trump supports social media censorship
Marjorie Taylor Greene isn’t getting any credit for Standing With Israel or apologizing to Jews for her Holocaust remark
The conservative case for unaccountable corporate monopolies, one-sided political censorship and getting rolled online
Woke capitalism has moved into private banking
The Biden administration is launching a crackdown on “domestic extremism”
The White male liberal is an outcast in the new Democratic Party
Twitter declares access to a free and open internet is an essential human right
Progressives are taking a huge risk by assuming they always have the right answers
Bill Mitchell wants to censor hate speech
It is like Charlottesville every day
The intelligence agencies have been weaponized against Trumpists
Progressive activists want to censor cable news now
Joe Rogan is an aggrieved cishet White male
Are the libs losing their soul?
Sen. Josh Hawley discusses his new book The Tyranny of Big Tech
The Biden administration intends to stop “violent extremists” from exploiting the internet
The corporate media and tech companies can no longer afford to tolerate “both-sidesism”
Woke progressivism has devoured liberalism from within
Republicans have created unaccountable monopolies which are suppressing the political voice of their own voters
The Supreme Court of Facebook has spoken and Donald Trump has been voted off the island
The corporate media is never held accountable for spreading fake news and misinformation for the Deep State
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