New York Times “Journalist”: Trump Supporters Are “Enemies of the State”
State power should be used against Trump supporters who are a legitimate national security threat
State power should be used against Trump supporters who are a legitimate national security threat
Gov. Gavin Newsom can’t even protect his own property from thieves
Minneapolis will vote on a holistic public health approach to community safety in the fall
SPOILER: There is no turning back
The police are arresting murderers in Chicago who are simply released back into the streets
South Park, Family Guy and The Simpsons are reinforcing racism
The Deep State is working hard to crush all of Joe Biden’s political enemies who are “domestic extremists”
The St. Louis Police Department is completely demoralized
The corporate media is the most distrusted institution in the country
Big Tech and Big Government are merging into Big Brother
Structural antiracism is paralyzing civilization in the Bay Area
Collapsing buildings are a greater threat than “white supremacy”
Table manners are structural racism
Big Brother really is out to get you
The ADL has announced an official partnership with PayPal to censor payment processors
Is the AAPI community willing to fight back against “white supremacy”?
Only 20% of Americans think “trans athletes” should compete in women’s sports
Patriot Front tagged a Breonna Taylor, George Floyd and Armed Robbery mural over the weekend
The Democrats are now too woke for Independent voters
The Second Amendment is racist
In Washington, progressives are “rethinking” policing on a more ambitious scale than anywhere else in the country
The Civilian Climate Corps is a social justice cause
The conservative case for structural racism
The police are investigating it as a hate crime
Progressive activists have a problem with Spanish
Christianity is the religion of settler colonialism
A criminologist points the finger at the War on the Police
Lil Nas X has been sentenced to Montero State Prison
The Cleveland Indians have chosen a new politically correct name
The AAPI community is being targeted by vicious “white supremacists” inspired by Donald Trump’s racism
Is the FBI cracking down too hard on Antifa?
Systematic racism is an unverifiable religious belief
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