National Park Service To Remove Statue of William Penn In Philadelphia
A statue of William Penn is being removed from his own house by the Biden administration
A statue of William Penn is being removed from his own house by the Biden administration
Robert Edmond Davis is wanted for the murder of Josh Kruger
Mobs of youths and teens went on a looting spree in Philadelphia last night
Fetterneck malfunctions at campaign event
Is it ableist to vote against John Fetterman?
Dr. Oz wins by default against a human vegetable
Oz is barely hanging on in Pennsylvania
A look inside the Philadelphia Inquirer’s own racial reckoning
Joe Biden has a reverse Midas Touch
Without Trump on the ballot, the Red Dogs are going home to the GOP
Tucker Carlson explores life in the other America
Imperialists often forget how unimpressive this country has become under their leadership
Philadelphia now has the highest murder rate per capita in the country
Who loves America? We love America
Philadelphia’s District Attorney represents a national trend of progressive prosecutors getting soft on crime
The days of voting for the GOP are over because Trump lost Independent voters
Trump claims he won all the swing states by a lot
Why did Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania flip to Joe Biden?
The Rust Belt was the kingmaker in the 2016 and 2020 elections
Enough of this shit
The video of the arrests at a Philadelphia Starbucks sparked a social media lynch mob
Blompf endangers the Jews
A book review of Jack P. Greene’s Pursuits of Happiness: The Social Development of Early Modern British Colonies and the Formation of American Culture
Joe Biden, one of America’s most divisive Boomers, calls for “national unity” in Philadelphia
“Chepe” charged with ethnic intimidation
Tom Keenan is now facing a felony charge of ethnic intimidation
Tom Keenan is a “serial rioter”
Philly ARA leader Tom Keenan has been arrested and charged
Antifa engage in violence to disrupt conservative rallies
Free speech in America now rests on the shoulders of one guy from Pennsylvania
This guy has long been a clown
A teachable moment about mass shootings
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