The Eyes Are Organizing To Fight “Journalists” Who Aid and Abet Abortion
It will soon be a crime in Red States to aid and abet abortion
It will soon be a crime in Red States to aid and abet abortion
Prayer is returning to public schools
The demise of Roe v. Wade is intolerable
Will the Supreme Court unwind the Rights Revolution?
Gay marriage isn’t a constitutional right
Meltdowns have brought progressive activist groups to a standstill
“Extremism” is now the conventional wisdom
3% of Americans rank foreign policy as the top issue
Decentralization is a good thing
The repeal of Roe v. Wade will accelerate and intensify cultural polarization
Tucker Carlson reacts to the New York Times hit piece
The PMC have become much more visible
The Second Cold War isn’t a rehearsal of the First Cold War
Democrats pivot to inciting war with Russia
YouTube picks and chooses which wars are violent
The Pentagon is salivating over a Second Cold War
The foreign policy establishment never learns anything
Illiberalism has gone mainstream in the Democratic Party
Justin Trudeau vows to defend liberal democracy from Vladimir Putin’s authoritarianism
Truth Social launched today
Democrats are ignoring swing voters and reopening the door to Donald Trump and resurgent Trumpism
White supremacists are enjoying this
A look inside the Philadelphia Inquirer’s own racial reckoning
The Democrats are facing their own racial reckoning
Democrats have become the party of sanctimonious, humorless woke scolds
Justin Trudeau’s thugs crush the Freedom Convoy
In taking a stand against woke progressivism, Matt Bai succumbs to both sidesism
Who wrecked the Democratic Party?
Americans use racial humor in private and think it is funny
The GOP is being rewarded for playing up the culture war
Liberal democracy has died in Canada without much coverage
“Liberal democracy” was just a phase of American history
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