Make America Racist Again
Trump security guard punches protester
Trump security guard punches protester
He’s a very, very low energy person
¡Jeb! hits Trump with previously unknown -phobia
Crops will rot on the vine
A “comprehensive solution” for the US Chamber of Commerce
Give us your hedge fund managers yearning to free
Is the Cuckening at hand?
Trumpism could smash Left and Right
Hedge fund guys need to pay up
Desperate establishment hurls Nazi, racist, fascist, etc.
SPLC now officially on the Trump enemy list
Nazi week continues
¡Jeb! is a milquetoast Ned Flanders
A bunch of racists and xenophobes
Told to go back to Univision
Trump is blowing away his rivals in South Carolina and New Hampshire
The New Yorker on Trump’s nationalist coalition
Hitler week continues
Trump is Hitler season begins
Trump draws 30,000 in Mobile
Immensely proud of his Mexican family
40,000 expected at Trump rally in Mobile, AL
Rand Paul desperately woos a donor to sustain his flagging campaign
Donald Trump’s free trade heresy
Promises billionaire sugar daddy he won’t touch social issues
The possibilities are tantalizing and troubling
Winter is coming
“Highly sophisticated killers” have given ¡Jeb! millions
Jeb is a puppet of big donors
He experimented on 17 week aborted “specimens”
A mighty pine is falling in the mainstream forest
The Donald bodyslams Vince McMahon …. and the GOP establishment
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