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Better Off Without ‘Em

July 9, 2012 Hunter Wallace 78

Northwest Republic Chuck Thompson’s Better Off Without ‘Em: A Northern Manifesto for Southern Secession is coming out next month. “Let’s talk about secession. Not exactly […]

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Sanctuary State

July 6, 2012 Hunter Wallace 9

California As California goes bankrupt, the pandering to illegal aliens continues … surely, this will provoke a federal lawsuit. /sarc “SACRAMENTO (Reuters) – The California […]

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R.I.P. Navigators

June 28, 2012 Hunter Wallace 52

BRA Mike Adams explains the consequences of the Obamacare decision: “Note, carefully, there is NO LIMIT to this “taxing” power. If you bring home a […]

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Romney’s Transformation

June 23, 2012 Hunter Wallace 17

Massachusetts H/T Apulieus Mitt Romney, a Northeastern liberal and the former governor of Massachusetts, whose campaign is based in Boston, wins the Republican presidential nomination […]

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Fake Dominion

June 13, 2012 Hunter Wallace 28

Virginia This is exactly why the Union must be dissolved: “In what both sides regard as one of the election’s three or four most critical […]

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California Perestroika

June 13, 2012 Hunter Wallace 24

California In his latest Forbes column, Joel Kotkin takes a journey into the great progressive paradise on the West Coast: “California’s “progressive” approach has been […]

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Occupying Privilege

June 4, 2012 Hunter Wallace 48

Tennessee Check out this important new book featuring our dear friend Tim Wise: Occupying Privilege: Conversations on Love, Race and Liberation. “In Occupying Privilege, today’s […]

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Facebook Purged

April 23, 2012 Hunter Wallace 34

Alabama Hunter Wallace is no more on Facebook … purged for “hate speech or singling people out based on race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, […]