New York Times: The Tragedy of Afghanistan
Joe Biden has kept us out of Haiti
The Taliban reconquered Afghanistan in two weeks
The “journalists” relocated from that building a few years ago
The American media is strangely silent on Emmanuel Macron’s COVID authoritarianism
Hungary is cracking down on homosexual propaganda
Hungary has remained a normal country while the West has changed
Liz Cheney is worried that China is an authoritarian police state
The American Right now sees a lot to admire in Viktor Orbán’s Hungary
House Foreign Affairs Committee finds that “preponderance of evidence” leans toward lab leak theory
Joe Biden’s foreign policy is mostly business as usual
The internet is shocked
Does Joe Biden even know what countries he is bombing?
Taxi Wars, Anti-Foreigner Riots, Zulu Riots and Tribal Conflict break out in South Africa
The jab will soon be required to go to a pub in fake populist Boris Johnson’s Britain
Is it okay for Israel to be a Jewish ethnostate?
Why are Whites leaving South Africa?
The vultures continue to feast on the carcass of South Africa
Joe Biden recently authorized more airstirkes on the Iraq/Syria border
A new report commissioned by the British government recommends a 30% cut in meat consumption
Emperor Emmanuel Macron: Vaccinate, or Else
South Africa is being liberated from “white supremacy”
Boris Johnson supports vaccine passports in spite of high vaccination rates in England
Boris Johnson’s government is considering a meat tax to raise the price of food in Britain
The Church of England didn’t exist in the Middle Ages, but will apologize to the Jews anyway!
Boris Johnson is hunting down racists and “making an example” of them for the political establishment
George W. Bush condemns our premature withdrawal from Afghanistan
South Africa is being Africanized in the age of social media
Mitch McConnell dunks on Joe Biden for withdrawing troops from Afghanistan after a 20 year mission
Boris Johnson will meet with social media firms to get them to hunt down “racists”
France is taking a turn toward authoritarian technocracy
South Africa is leading the world toward “racial equity”
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