Secular Talk: Innocent Russians Targeted In Bizarre Bigoted Backlash
The Russian people had no clue that Putin was about to invade Ukraine
The Russian people had no clue that Putin was about to invade Ukraine
Russia is an autocratic multicultural empire
Is the dollar’s status as the world’s reserve currency imperiled by canceling Russia?
The hawkish case for even higher gas prices
Cancel culture is a national security threat now
Cable television has merged with the “intelligence community”
Every politician in Washington is focused squarely on Ukraine
The sacrifices have officially beguun
Lindsey Graham used to boast about provoking Russia
Sean Hannity is ready to start World War III
Nazism is born in silence
Ukraine is getting wrecked because of virtue signaling liberals
A sovereign nation has been attacked!
Geography explains Russian interests in Ukraine
The war in Ukraine shouldn’t come as a surprise
Vladimir Putin isn’t our model
Ukrainians mowed down after throwing Molotov cocktails
Joe Biden’s funniest SOTU gaffes
Joe Biden calls for unity as he leads us all into World War III
Get ready to pay a lot more for our birpartisan foreign policy
Rachel Maddow interviews Hillary Clinton on defending democracy in Ukraine
“Journalists” parrot simple narratives of good vs. evil to manipulate the public instead of sharing context
The West is turning Ukraine into its latest battlefield
Why has Putin sent his troops into Ukraine?
The Twitter Bubble is pushing us into World War III
Facing disaster on all fronts, Joe Biden slips further in the polls
Hannity calls for the Russian military to remove Vladimir Putin
We are virtue signaling our way into a catastrophe
Are you ready to fight for the political establishment?
Are we escalating our way into World War III?
Jen Psaki dismisses the risk of starting World War III
The political establishment is pushing us into World War III
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