How the Italian center-right coalition won 60% of the seats
Italy goes “far-rght”
Italy goes “far-rght”
The governor of Florida is leading the fight against anti-Semitism every day on the campaign trail in Jerusalem
Republicans hold Mississippi Senate seat
Steve King was reelected though. So we’re fine with it
Bill Nelson has finally conceded
Ron DeSantis will be Florida’s next governor
The Brown Wave comes up short in Georgia
Skepticism of President Trump is on the rise
Another True Conservative loses his race
Martha McSally has conceded
The Senate is the real problem
The 2018 election didn’t say much about White identity politics
They catered to people who didn’t vote for them
Sheldon Adelson gets his consolation prize
She needs to collect her government salary first
Dems refuse to concede loses in key races
So many tears. So much salt.
Why is the GOP catering so much to less than 1 percent of voters?
It’s like Egg McMuffin won a Senate race
Washed up loser continues to believe in Boomer civnat pipe dream
Adelson watched the election by Trump’s side at the White House
He ran on denying the Holocaust
Sessions is the first to go
Whitepillers BTFO!
2018 midterms burning hot takes
Open thread for the 2018 midterm elections
Steve Bannon on why the Right rejects anti-Semites and based black dudes are the future of the GOP
True Cons are trying to take out Steve King in Iowa like they did Roy Moore in Alabama
Why I am skipping the midterms
Dixie Anon responds to Matt Heimbach
Can based black guys make up the difference?
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