Trump Commutes Sentence of Ronen Nahmani
This is a real case of pikuach nefesh
This is a real case of pikuach nefesh
He hates White people, folks!
We shall see if there is any follow through
The Trump administration has launched a worldwide crusade to decriminalize homosexuality
Give A$AP Rocky his FREEDOM or you will be very sorry!
I will never sign another bill like this, folks. Don’t listen to the fake news. We’re building the wall, believe me!
Robert Mueller testifies before Congress
We’re building the wall, folks. Believe me!
The Squad owes Israel an apology
The sentences range from 2 years to 3 years in prison
Folks, I wasn’t being serious, ok? I was just jerking you around like with Hillary. I’m an entertainer!
Blompf wants to “send them back” for being insufficiently subservient to his Jewish donors
It is a common sense, America First solution. GOY, BYE!
The Alt-Lite asks you to pay tribute to Heather Heyer
Blompf is an incompetent buffoon who gives us nothing but stupid, meaningless racist tweets
After the media worked itself into a frenzy over the expected ICE raids, nothing happened except the discovery of #ICEbae
Blompf is succeeding in identifying this quartet of radicals with the Democratic Party
Blompf isn’t a White Nationalist. He is a Zionist
She’s a shitholer, folks! Somalia is a complete and total catastrophe! Why doesn’t she go back to her corrupt, totally broken, crime-infested African wasteland? She can’t leave the United States of America fast enough!
Citibank, which deplatforms and censors my supporters, is a real bank. Bitcoin is highly volatile and based on thin air!
Have you heard about the African-American, Hispanic, Asian-American and female unemployment rate? The DOW just hit 27,000 and the Democrats and socialists want to turn us into Venezuela. Not gonna happen, folks!
Jared, they’ve been getting away with censoring my supporters, but we won’t let them get away with it much longer! We’re gonna remove the country caps on tech visas!
The Alt-Right has ended its friendship with Donald Trump
I’m so done, folks, BELIEVE ME. It’s over!
Trump sends John Bolton to Mongolia while he meets with Chairman Kim in North Korea
No mercy for white supremacists
My administration controls the most powerful Military Force in the world and will obliterate Iran with great and overwhelming force. No more John Kerry & Obama!
Ignore what I said previously. My administration is giving the Democrats two weeks to come up with a deal or we will start deporting millions of illegal aliens
Jared, I deserve tremendous credit for not pulling the trigger!
S&P opens at record high!
#MIGA2020 kicks off at a Trump rally in Orlando
Jared, something weird is going on!
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