Post 9/11 Wars: A Defeat of Western Values
The West was routed on multiple fronts in its post-9/11 wars
The West was routed on multiple fronts in its post-9/11 wars
Joe Biden droned a U.S. aid worker and several children
The American Empire exhausted itself in a 20 year quagmire in the Middle East
The Taliban marvel at the wealth and luxury of America’s defeated puppet government
The American political establishment likes to imagine itself as the victim
There was never a hostage crisis in Afghanistan
The war is not over!
America is isolated and friendless in the world
Chalmers Johnson on the American Empire
Libyans are still paying the price for NATO’s intervention
Imperialism transformed American identity
The failed generals who presided over America’s disastrous wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are doing fine
President Ashraf Ghani fled Kabul with $169 million
The failed generals who lost the war in Afghanistan are trying to shift the blame to Joe Biden
George W. Bush’s press secretary is criticizing Joe Biden’s foreign policy
FOX News is recycling the architects of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq
Americans must fight to Make Afghanistan Gay Again
America is a base for the “projection of power” abroad
How many Anne Franks have we left behind in Afghanistan?
“America First” was always “Empire First”
The Taliban really meant “Don’t Tread on Me”
Joe Biden has evolved on Afghanistan
Lindsey Graham is terrified by the end of the war in Afghanistan
President Blumpf calls for reinvading Afghanistan
The American Empire is suffering from a “credibility crisis”
Joe Biden must be held accountable for ending the war in Afghanistan
Big Government needs to spend more money on the Pentagon
The U.S. failed to respect Afghanistan’s culture, history and traditions
In the Joe Biden era, the GOP is reverting to Zombie Reaganism on foreign policy
“I was not going to extend this forever war”
54% of Americans still think leaving Afghanistan was the right decision
The two-party system has been captured by the military-industrial complex and is dedicated to imperialism
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