Send Them Back: Trump Incites His MIGApedes Against The Squad
Blompf wants to “send them back” for being insufficiently subservient to his Jewish donors
Blompf wants to “send them back” for being insufficiently subservient to his Jewish donors
Sheldon Adelson has already bought the 2024 election too
Jewish billionaires bought the Trump administration’s foreign policy
From this moment forward, it will be ISRAEL FIRST, ISRAEL FIRST, ISRAEL FIRST!
Israel is a holy place though
We voted for a Mexican border wall only to get record illegal immigration and the Trump Heights
4 out of 10 Jews are also creeped out by MIGA
Florida governor Ron Desantis signs new anti-Semitism law
Israel is heading to a surprising second election
Florida governor Ron DeSantis receives the good goy award from Sheldon Adelson in Israel
Blompf and Bibi still have a lot of work to do
Take it with a grain of salt
The Obama-era policy of Iranian appeasement is over
Washington, DC is Israeli occupied territory
Boomer-in-Chief offers to stick around through the 2030s
Iran is threatening to destroy us with its formidable military and Trump will prevent them from acquiring WMD
From this day forward, it is only going to be Israel First!
Trump is reportedly upset that John Bolton and Mike Pompeo are desperately trying to drag him into a war with Iran
OUR GREATEST ALLY wants to stay out of any U.S.-Iran War
You don’t want to be against God, right? Heh Heh
Is Blompf the chosen instrument of God to protect Israel from the Iranian menace?
Democrats are strongly pushing back against Trump’s warmongering against Iran
Topic: A Foreign Policy From the Founding
John Bolton has drawn up a plan to send 120,000 troops to the Middle East to fight Iran for the sake of Israel
Still not tired of winning!
Rep. Rashida Tlaib obviously has tremendous hatred of Israel and the Jewish people
Jared Kushner has a plan for Middle East peace as well as an immigration plan. It is about what you expect
Former Secretary of State John Kerry is accused of engaging in diplomacy with Iran
Can you believe that every major Democratic presidential candidate skipped the AIPAC conference?
For the sake of Israel, Iran’s economy must be crushed
Are you tired of winning?
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