Lady G Takes Knee On SCOTUS Pick
Lindsey Graham thinks Michelle Childs would be a fine Supreme Court justice
Lindsey Graham thinks Michelle Childs would be a fine Supreme Court justice
Brandon has already bungled his Supreme Court pick
White conservatives are oppressors of People of Color
He now regrets voting for libtards
It cripples their ability to wield power
Woke black professionals live in the tiniest bubble
Go ahead and call it what it is which is anti-White
Joe Biden yells at a cloud about Jim Crow 2.0
Republicans are destroying “our democracy” with voter suppression
Is Kyrsten Sinema the new Bull Connor?
Georgia has become a “Jim Eagle” state, but no one is even showing up at the presser
Whites are being denied access to healthcare on the basis of their race
Tim Murdock and Hunter Wallace celebrate the “mass radicalization” of Trump supporters on 1/6
New York City’s hospitals are going woke
San Francisco has become a woke paradise
American history has been rewritten by communists since the 1930s
Jussie Smollett is a victim of systematic racism
Christian Picciolini is exhausted with White men
Ibram X. Kendi blames Bob Whitaker for redefining antiracism as anti-White
An illegal alien serial killer recently got off in a mistrial in Texas
Gregory McMichael, Travis McMichael and William Bryan Jr. have been found guilty of murder
Darrell Brooks used his vehicle as a weapon to run over as many White people as possible
A black male ran over a bunch of White children in Wisconsin last night
They’re taking it harder than anyone else
Progressives are incapable of seeing themselves as others see them
Perry Bacon Jr. argues that the Democratic Party should not appease White voters
The Democrats are their own worst enemy
White voters are watching these people and reacting to them
Are Democrats losing because of the Wokelash?
Woke progressives are lashing out at The Eternal Karen
Merrick Garland was asked scathing questions about his threats against parents
The spectacular decline of the American professional class is the story of our times
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