Cuckservatives: French/Searcy 2016
The Cuckservative Renegade Party takes shape
The Cuckservative Renegade Party takes shape
Has #NeverTrump found their candidate?
Walked it back this morning
Then they fight you
The difference between a conservative and Alt-Rightist
I attended the 2016 American Renaissance conference outside of Nashville Tennessee. This was clearly THE best Amren conference ever! Great speakers – good mix of […]
Washington State votes
Joan Walsh drops the “you’re a White male”
Paul Ryan and 84 House Republicans ban the Confederate flag in federal cemeteries
Hispanics aren’t Ready for Hillary
Neo-reactionary philosophy, popular discontent, and a charismatic leader
Oregon votes
Hillary now owns Bill Clinton’s economic policies
Federal government should stay out of public school restrooms
Sheldon Adelson plans to back Trump with $100 million dollars
I highly recommend OD readers subscribe to the Anthony Cumia network it’s ~ $7 a month. Let’s be honest, there is virtually NOTHING funny on […]
The Democratic Party is now the War Party
Black lives hit hardest in Obama crime wave
Obama to desegregate restrooms in public schools for trannies
Three cheers for globalization
Trump supporters troll Hillary Clinton by voting for Sanders
Whites are so afraid to be proud of their heritage
Lot’s of great humor breaking out all over the Alt Right world. (Link) I found this gem by a very interesting Brit chap Sargon of […]
Nebraska and West Virginia vote
¡Jeb! and Rubio donors on Wall Street rally to Hillary
Regular American Christians – particularly in the South have done very well this (never ending) presidential election. Lectured by corrupt Neo Conservative, Christian Zionist “leaders”, […]
We’ve got another one
Trump voters are Nazis, #TruCons the French Resistance
A shot across the bow
Ideological realignment at internet speed
I’m having a blast enjoying Donald Trump give his middle finger to the assorted cowards, pussies, cuckservatives, the Bush family, the constipated country club, Conservative, […]
Seated next to David Duke
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