Joe Biden Wins Wisconsin and Michigan
FOX News calls Wisconsin and Michigan for Joe Biden
FOX News calls Wisconsin and Michigan for Joe Biden
Keith Woods hosts a roundtable discussion of the 2020 election results
Trump is losing the election because of White men
Can you believe this shit?
The 2020 election is still up in the air
My final thoughts on the 2020 election
Is Whexit going to determine the 2020 election?
What will the political landscape look like in 2021?
The GOP is running Trump’s 2020 campaign
Jews propose a “Truth and Reconciliation Commission” or imposing “Reconstruction” on Red States
The history of conservative liberalism is a window into its future
Does this chart match the political ideology of your county?
Jared Kushner is behind the Platinum Plan
Sheldon Adelson spends $75 million to Keep Israel Great
The Platinum Plan was borrowed from Ice Cube
Antifa hold “Day of Rage” to celebrate Indigenous Peoples Day
MAGA YMCA – the Trump 2020 Theme Song
Finally, Donald Trump avows someone
Blacks and Hispanics are choosing capitalism over socialism
Donald Trump goes on Tucker Carlson Tonight
Trump is getting smoked with seniors
The first October Surprise has arrived
The Proud Boys and Black Lives Matter condemn white supremacy
Will even a 6-3 conservative majority of the Supreme Court change anything?
An offer you can’t refuse!
The “Platinum Plan” is only available to groups which DO NOT vote for the GOP
The case for bowing out of the system
Voting for Trump isn’t a choice
The neocons are back in the saddle
He also attacks Jeff Sessions and endorses Tommy Tuberville
Identity politics has been slain
We will never allow an angry mob to tear down our statues
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