Jake Tapper: GOP Leaders Recently Developed a Tolerance For Intolerance
The charge of “racism” doesn’t land like it used to
The charge of “racism” doesn’t land like it used to
Tucker Carlson interviews Kanye West on White Lives Matter
Kanye West doubles down on White Lives Matter
Kanye West and Candace Owens stand up for White people
The Supreme Court’s new term begins tomorrow with major rulings coming up on race
White identity and Christian nationalism are strongly correlated
Conservatives are flirting with race realism
America is currently in the Third Reconstruction
It is time to talk about the reality of black-on-White crime
America was founded as a promised land for European Christians
Eliza Fletcher was brutally murdered by a black thug in Memphis
Progressives are defined by anti-White racism
Nature has also gone woke
Progressive activists are dreaming of a world without White people
The National Justice Party is calling attention to white crime victims
Choose your preferred form of integralism
Viktor Orbán will address CPAC after condemning race-mixing and the Great Replacement
Christian nationalism was the ideology of the Klan and apartheid South Africa
What do White Christian Nationalists believe?
A quarter of Republicans do not want Congress to protect interracial marriage
Democrats pass bill to codify gay marriage and interracial marriage into federal law
BIPOCs are splintering over Joe Biden’s presidency
Shitlibs drive Ruy Teixeira out of the Center for American Progress
A libtard husband refuses to come to grips with reality
We are still living under “white supremacy”
NEW: By a 6–3 vote, the Supreme Court halts a lower court order that had struck down Louisiana’s racial gerrymander. All three liberals dissent. pic.twitter.com/Ssw6NiSL8v […]
Are the dreams of eugenicists panning out in reality?
House Republicans refuse to condemn the Great Replacement
The culture war between Whites is what really drives American politics
We live in a new progressive era
The Great Replacement has gone mainstream
The Republican base is on fire
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