Russian Navy Blockades Black Sea Coast
Russian Navy closes the sea
Russian Navy closes the sea
The New World Order is coming to an end
The Enemy of the People wants World War III
A key pillar of American hegemony is collapsing before our eyes
Operation Wag the Dog is working
Joe Biden’s presidency has accelerated the decline of the American Empire
Saudi Arabia is pivoting away from the United States
What false flag pretext will be used to justify a “humanitarian intervention” in Ukraine?
Shitlibs are embracing full blown totalitarianism to crush all dissent from Russia hysteria
Peace talks between Russia and Ukraine have made progress
This is unbelievably dangerous
China is propping up Putin’s war machine
Every prominent critic of American imperialism and militarism is being censored on social media
Americans are hesitant to leap into the abyss
American journalist dies in a warzone
Russia is losing in Ukraine
An ordinary couple in Russia is keeping their eye on prices
Joe Biden isn’t as eager as the GOP to start World War III
The political establishment knows what is best for you
Ukraine is a de facto NATO member
Oliver Stone’s sequel to Ukraine on Fire
Zelensky stooges want to push Americans into World War III
Democrats pivot to inciting war with Russia
Russia is willing to attack Western arms shipments to Ukraine
Everything is Russia’s fault
YouTube picks and chooses which wars are violent
Donald Trump is going to kill us all!
I’m sick of being blamed for my policies!
You support democracy, right?
Politicians rush to defend Ukraine’s border while erasing our own borders
Russia is at war with the New World Order
George Soros calls for regime change in Russia and China
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