Confederate 901 Rallies In Memphis
JAM CITY ANTIFA was humiliated
JAM CITY ANTIFA was humiliated
Meet Katherine Lyons Ogilvie of Nashville Antifa
Meet Raven Xan Morgan of Nashville Antifa
Meet Tim Hall of Great Lakes Antifa
Massive blow struck against white supremacy
Violent anarchists are plotting to tear down more Confederate monuments
The Silent Majority in North Carolina is anti-Antifa
Report these Terms of Service violations
UPDATE: The court allegedly withdrew it
DC Antifa will resist federal grand jury summons tomorrow
We dindu nuffin … oh really?
8 Antifa arrested in pointless confrontation with police
“Journalists” are merely recycling stories from ANTIFA
He was a member of PSOL
GOP uses Antifa for midterm elections pitch
Dixon assaulted Patrick Howley of Big League Politics
70 people were arrested by Capitol Police
Antifa e-celeb Socialist Dog Mom has been identified
I’ve decided to become a violent extremism watchdog
Antifa are celebrating vandalizing cemeteries now
The fake news tells you it isn’t happening
6 Antifa comrades arrested in Charlottesville
3 Antifa arrested at Silent Sam rallly in Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill Police allowed violent Antifa to tear down Silent Sam
“No organization is perfect”
Criticizing Antifa violence is Donald Trump’s appeal to racism
“When you look at Antifa, these are violent people”
Antifa overwhelmed by nationalist demonstration
The same Antifa are behind the violence in Charlottesville and Chapel Hill
Antifa unleash orgy of violence in #AllOutAugust
Violent Antifa are a traveling gang
16 arrested as protests turn violent
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