The Taliban Have Joined The Chat
The memes are flowing on Twitter
The memes are flowing on Twitter
Why should anyone fight for the American Empire?
Has the pro-life movement won in Texas?
Conservative principles demand we do nothing
It is a waste of time to empower Reaganite conservatives
The online “sex worker” economy is falling on hard times
Afghan women are adjusting to life under sharia law
Sacramento City Council hotly debates its homeless plan
St. Louis is one of the most progressive cities in Missouri
Is systematic racism to blame for this too?
Seattle has removed some of the homeless people in the camp in City Hall Park
Gov. Gavin Newsom has allowed these eyesores to proliferate, but he has a recall election coming up
Colorado’s third largest city is preserving its homeless camps
Are non-Whites too dumb to know how to read, write and do math? Are standards structural racism?
In Seattle, a police abolitionist will square off against a Republican in the race for Seattle City Attorney in November
Are purebred pets an example of white privilege?
Barack Obama didn’t actually have a meat-free birthday bash
Texas is forcing Austin to get its act together
It only gets darker from here
Hungary is cracking down on homosexual propaganda
“Journalists” increased their use of the term “white supremacy” by 2,862% between 2010 and 2019
King County Courthouse workers are fed up with the cultural degeneration that is overwhelming Seattle
Albuquerque is struggling with violent crime and homelessness
A tourist was recently stabbed by a homeless person in Portland’s Old Town neighborhood
Denver spends nearly $450 million a year on homeless people which is more than it spends on K-12 education
Progressive cities are besieged by homeless drug addicts
“White supremacist” attempts to rape woman on New York City subway
Los Angeles is being taken over by rats and homeless people
20% of downtown restaurant owners in Portland are preparing to evacuate
King County courthouse employees are holding a rally to demand the removal of the nearby homeless camp
Elderly Vietnam veteran confronts “trans woman” over the Big Lie that men can become women
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