Jack Dorsey Resigns From Twitter
Twitter’s new CEO wants to move on from the First Amendment
Twitter’s new CEO wants to move on from the First Amendment
Is Marine Le Pen too soft for France?
Ibram X. Kendi blames Bob Whitaker for redefining antiracism as anti-White
Are you pessimistic or optimistic about the future?
Omicron is the scariest variant yet
What is your overarching take on Joe Biden’s first year?
Black Friday reflects the white supremacy in our culture
Wokeism has conquered liberal norms
Blumpf 2024 is not a joke
Thanksgiving is racist
California has legalized theft
You might be surprised to learn how little has changed
In the 21st century, Belarus is a City on a Hill and a shining beacon of freedom from liberal oligarchs
Sadly, classical liberalism isn’t the Valyrian steel that stops the cultural white walker
Is losing a civil case worth it when you are winning the argument?
An illegal alien serial killer recently got off in a mistrial in Texas
Gregory McMichael, Travis McMichael and William Bryan Jr. have been found guilty of murder
“Journalists” would like you to forget about what happened in Waukesha
Toward a Conservatism that is not Liberalism
It is time for the Right to abandon liberal norms
Hillary Clinton wants to end the “impunity” with which her opposition operates
Kyle Rittenhouse tells Tucker what he learned about the justice system
Darrell Brooks used his vehicle as a weapon to run over as many White people as possible
Kyle Rittenhouse tells his side of the story to Tucker Carlson
Charlottesville defendants are held liable for $25 million dollars in damages
The Democratic brand is toxic and both the progressive and centrist wings are responsible
The Democratic Party has a clear brand
In the 1990s, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine explored the Cardassian judicial system
Jonah Goldberg and Stephen Hayes have resigned in protest from FOX News
Democrats are only held together by anti-Trump sentiment
A black male ran over a bunch of White children in Wisconsin last night
“We hate White people” isn’t a compelling message for Democrats
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