Charlottesville’s Market Street Park Is Now Hosting a Homeless Camp
Charlottesville’s Lee Park is now blighted by a homeless camp
Charlottesville’s Lee Park is now blighted by a homeless camp
Red States are attracting population from Blue States
Michelle Malkin, a conservative woman of color, is being denied access to public accommodations for rejecting woke supremacy
Working class Democrats are getting hammered by skyrocketing rent prices
Rent has never been higher in coastal metropolitan areas
Imperialists often forget how unimpressive this country has become under their leadership
Landlords score victory over Joe Biden
The homeless camp is on Apple property
Sacramento City Council hotly debates its homeless plan
St. Louis is one of the most progressive cities in Missouri
Seattle has removed some of the homeless people in the camp in City Hall Park
Gov. Gavin Newsom has allowed these eyesores to proliferate, but he has a recall election coming up
Colorado’s third largest city is preserving its homeless camps
Texas is forcing Austin to get its act together
King County Courthouse workers are fed up with the cultural degeneration that is overwhelming Seattle
Albuquerque is struggling with violent crime and homelessness
Atlanta’s biggest homeless camp has emerged right next to Buckhead
A tourist was recently stabbed by a homeless person in Portland’s Old Town neighborhood
Denver spends nearly $450 million a year on homeless people which is more than it spends on K-12 education
Progressive cities are besieged by homeless drug addicts
Homelessness was increasing in Denver before COVID
The CDC has seized control of all private rental properties in the United States
Homelessness flourishes in the most progressive states
Los Angeles is renovating its homeless camps
Homeowners in Denver are getting frustrated with the Bidenvilles popping up on their doorstep
A little girl was trying to raise money for the local homeless shelter
The CDC kicks the can down the road for two months
The CDC’s eviction moratorium expired on July 31st
Bidenvilles are popping up even in the most glamorous progressive strongholds
Woke progressives no longer feel the need to stop anyone from doing anything for any reason at any time … unless they are rightwing
Is homeownership turning you into a horrible person?
Why are there so many homeless people in West Coast cities?
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